Django vs. Flask

Before going to Django vs. Flask, we need to know what is Django and what is flask.

What is Django?

 Django is a library of Python which helps you in web development. To use Django you will need to know basic python. Django doesn't use any database-related language like SQL, MySQL, etc. Django is very easy to learn.

Why is Django Special? 

Django is very special compared to other libraries of Python such as Flask. Because Django is very secured. Django's ORM automatically blocks any kind of injections like SQL injection, Cross-Site Scripting(XSS). Django has another specialty of managing databases. Databases in Django are properly and securely managed. The Django Administration Portal helps us to create, read, update and delete (CRUD) the databases easily.

Advantages of Django?

Django is preferred for huge scale and long time websites. Django offers full customizability for the developers. Because it has many files dealing with many operations. It is a little bit complicated but, it is fully customizable and has many capabilities. It has a separate URL dispatcher which is used to manage all the URLs and endpoints of the website. Django is used to create complex and unique websites.

Disadvantages of Django?

Some programmers don't prefer Django. Because it is a little bit complicated with many files. To use Django we need to know Python. Web developers are unfamiliar with Python. So, they don't prefer Django.

Important files in Django :

There are many files in Django which manage various parts of a website.

1. It manages the server and all the users and superusers(admins) It manages the installed apps, static files(Images, Videos, Music files), HTML templates(Html files). It manages all the URLs and endpoints of the website. It is also called URL Dispatcher. It manages the databases of the website. It is used to create, read, update and delete(CRUD) databases. It is used to show and manage all the HTML files/pages.

Note: Django creates all of these files automatically. And by changing the code of these file we can make a website.

Until now we have learnt about Django now let us see about it's competitor Flask.

What is Flask?

Flask is a library of Python which helps you in web development. To use Django you will need to know basic python. Flask is very simple and easy to learn. Flask is the favorite web development tool for web developers. Flask is not complicated like Django

Why is Flask special?

Django is very complicated. So, beginners don't prefer Django, instead, they go with Flask. Let us see why. Flask is very simple. It can be easily learnt. Even beginners can easily learn flask. Flask doesn't use many files. We can map URLs very easily using flask. So. many programmers like flask.

Advantages of Flask?

Some programmers don't prefer Django because it is very complicated. But, flask is very simple. And it requires very little effort to learn and make websites in Flask. It is very simple that a beginner can easily write programs in flask.

Disadvantages of Flask?

Flask is not preferred to use on a huge scale and long-time websites. Because, at the production level, flask may be vulnerable easily. Because it doesn't automatically block any kind of injections like SQL injection, Cross-Site Scripting(XSS). To access the database you have to always use code. There is no GUI for database management. In flask, we have to manually manage all the databases. If the programmer failed to manage the database, then the website will be vulnerable.

Why Django vs. Flask?

Before going to Django vs. Flask we have to understand why there is a debate on Django vs. Flask. Let us see why.
  • Django is complicated but has full customizability and security.
  • Flask is simple and easy to learn but doesn't offer much customizability and security.
So, some programmers like Django and the others like flask. Beginners don't like to get complicated. So, they prefer Flask. And at medium and production levels Django is preferred. So, the programmers unfamiliar with Django and flask need to know what to use when.

Django vs. Flask

Django is complex to learn but flask is easy to learn. Django is very secured. Because Django has built-in Django ORM which automatically blocks any kind of injections like SQL injection. It also blocks XSS Scripting(Cross-Site Scripting). Whereas flask doesn't use any ORMs. So, we have to manually manage the security and databases. If the programmer fails to manage the database, the website will be easily vulnerable. Django has a separate page for managing databases (Admin Page). Flask doesn't have any kind of page to manage databases. Django is very complicated to learn. Whereas, flask is very easy to learn. Django has many files managing various parts of the website. In flask, the whole website has to be managed with a single file. So, beginners prefer Flask. And at the production level, Django is used.

What to use when?

We need to know what to use for easy web development.
  • For some simple websites like the Todo website, simple chat application we need to use Flask. Because it is simple and complexity is not at all required for these simple websites.
  • For complex websites like Blogs or online shopping websites, we have to use Django. Because we have to customize everything and also we have to get into more complex things which are not easily managed by flask. So, at this point, we have to go with Django.
How to learn:

Many beginners prefer Flask but when they think of security and upgrading their website they go with Django. So, they couldn't understand what to learn. So, the best suggestion is to learn flask at the beginning stages of programming and clearly understand it. After some practice, they get the hang of it. Then it is good to learn Django. Django is a very good web development tool. After learning complete Django we can create amazing websites without learning PHP, asp, SQL.

Thanks for reading.


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