Git Hub Student Pack Benifits

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Git Hub Student Pack Benefits

What is Git Hub Student Pack?

Git Hub is a Microsoft product for managing collaboration and writing codes. For students it offers a wide range of benefits. In this tutorial i will tell you how to get a github student pack and what are its benefits.

How to get GitHub student pack?


  • You should be currently enrolled in a degree or diploma granting course of study such as a high school, secondary school, college, university, homeschool, or similar educational institution 

  • You should have a verifiable school issued email address. If you don’t have a school issued email address then you should have documents that prove your current student status like ID Card, Progress Card etc.

  • You should have a GitHub User account.

  • You should be at least 13 years old.


  1. Go to GitHub education .

  2. Click on GitHub Student Developer Pack.

  3. Then you will be redirected to this site.

  4. Then click on “Get your pack”.

  5. Continue Reading

Thanks for reading.
