Why there are bumps on "F" and "J "keys


You have noticed that "F" and "J" keys have some lines or dots or bumps but did you ever wondered why there are lines/dots/bumps on all of the keyboards. Let's see why there are lines/dots/bumps and why only on F and J keys.

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  • The row of the keys "CapsLock A S D F G H J K L; ' Enter" is called the home row as it is the middle row of the keyboard.
  • For fast typing, we use a method called "Touch Typing" in which you don't see the keys and type as shown in the image below.

  • In touch typing, after typing any word, your fingers should return to the home row.
  • F and J are the keys where our two index fingers should return.
  • As we don't see the keys, we can detect the F and J key and rest our index fingers on them.
  • All the other fingers can rest on their keys easily.
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